
Want to speak to Dads?

We have built up a network of Dads, Mums and Parents across Scotland. 

As of March 2024, our WhatsApp groups have over 580 Dads and Mums in them.

Each year we engage with over 2250 people. 

We love to help with research and understand the value and importance of it. 

We receive many requests each year to share information online, to help encourage Dads and men to take part in the research, and to ensure their voices are heard. 

Please be aware, if that's what you want us to do for you, we will do it. however the return rate will be low. 

Dads (just like mums) are time poor. Also they need to see the value, what's in it for them? Or what good will it do if they help with your research?

We get asked to run focus groups of Dads. It’s really hard to do this.

The best way for you to get involvement from Dads is to come to one of our groups or events. Or even better, to speak with us about organising a bespoke event for you. Then you’ll have a group of Dads you can speak with, whilst they are doing something fun with their children.

If you are based in England and would like to speak to Dads there, we recommend speaking with our friends at Leeds Dads or Dad Matters.

Funding helps too. We’re a small charity, we want to help, but our time is valuable, if you’re able to donate or compensate us to help. Then that will go a long way. The same applies to our families.

If you would like to engage with men, then get in touch to discuss it with us: