March Round up!

March was another busy month at Dads Rock

The month of March was filled with playgroups, workshops, and events in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and online. We hope that all the Dads who participated enjoyed themselves while also learning some new techniques for raising their children. We finished the month with some awesome visits to Edinburgh Zoo and the Riverside Museum in Glasgow making memories with lots of families who joined us.

This month we had our abseil at the iconic Falkirk Wheel, where our abseilers descended 100ft on the world's first, and only, rotating boat lift. Thank you to everyone we managed to raise over £1760.

April is just as busy with workshops including antenatal, Sunday playgroup, Dads in the Wood starting on Saturdays, sleep workshop (look at our calendar for details and sign up: calendar). You can join #TeamDadsRock for the Glasgow kiltwalk at the end of the month - find more information here! We also have our 6 week Raising Teens with Confidence workshop starting on 18th April and running from 7-8.30pm every Tuesday: Teens

Help us spread the word 

Good News! - We’re running a Forest School with Amy and Greg! If your children love the outdoors sign them up for Kids in the Wood in Craigmillar Castle Park! It’s for children in Primary 2&3 every Sunday from 2-4pm for 8 weeks starting on 23rd April.

Spaces are limited so sign up soon to avoid disappointment: KitW

Save the date!

Our Father's Day Family Takeover event is coming! Sunday 18th June 10am.

More info to follow, save the date, we'd love to see you there. 


April Round up


February Round Up!